Trekiverse Logo ASC Awards: : Authors: Comments
12 12. Teddog

There are several things that make Teddog notable as an author, and perhaps the biggest one is that she isn\'t a Trekkie. Yet despite this, she approaches writing in the Star Trek universe from the view of someone who approaches a whole new world, being mindful of the canon rules, yet willing to world-build around them with ideas that people more into the show would forget or take for granted. Her attention to character psychology and detail, to the atmosphere of her stories, to the imagery and the minute things that make up these worlds is extraordinary. Teddog\'s an expert world-builder, and it shines in everything she writes. Both Another Man\'s Treasure and Downtime were excellent examples of this -- careful consideration given to word placement. Another Man\'s Treasure, especially, speaks a social commentary that a lot of modern Trek fanwriters completely forget about; Teddog somehow manages to actually remember that Star Trek has always been an excellent way to touch upon modern social issues. The sheer level of detail in this story is mindblowing, when you consider just how much foreshadowing she packs into the words without every using a sledgehammer to get the point across. She might not have written a ton of stories in the fandom... but those she did write are of the highest quality.
-- SLWatson, 16:55 04th March

6 6. Kirok off L’Stok

Having now worked with Kirok extensively, I can attest that he\'s a class act of a fan-author. Not only does he write stories that give a whole different view of the universes we know and love, but he acts with style wherever you can find him and promotes others open-heartedly and without any reserve. A wonderful contributor to fandom.
-- SLWatson, 16:59 04th March

10 10. Stephen Ratliff

There is always a clever idea, a fresh take and an \"AHA!\" moment in Stephen\'s stories. When I see his name, I know the story will not only be entertaining but it will also make me think. No formulaic stories for him! Bravo!
-- Ster Julie, 01:07 05th March

1 1. Aya

Until her first post here, I had never heard of Aya. But her single post was enough to just knock me on my keester; I already commented on the story, but such a story would not be possible without an author who\'s willing to write, and obviously with much care. She doesn\'t excuse the faults of her characters or turn them into archetypes; she digs right into their guts and pulls out the essentials, both good and bad. I really hope to someday see more.
-- SLWatson, 13:09 05th March

4 4. Gumnut*

Gumnut\'s stories tend to be ones worth waiting for. But not only that, she\'s an absolute class-act on top of it -- caring and considerate. As an author, she writes with a sort of breathless, intense quality that drags her audience right into the action -- It Went Bang pretty much started with exactly that: A bang. And from there, she drew out a mix of serious pragmatism and surreal imagery to create a story that many of us are still hoping fervently to see more of. Plus... well, she writes Scotty well. No easy task, and one definitely deserving mention.
-- SLWatson, 13:12 05th March

7 7. Rocky

When Rocky does serious... Rocky really does serious well. Not afraid to tackle the hard issues, not shying away from things that make the reader squirm uncomfortably because they relate so much to real life. While this isn\'t evidenced quite as much in the current TOS stories, there is one that stands out -- The Next Stage -- for its smart handling and unapologetic look at people trying to get over a bad period in history.
-- SLWatson, 13:15 05th March

11 11. Ster Julie

Admittedly not being much of a Spock fan, I haven\'t been able to read all of Ster Julie\'s stories, but I have read several. Mostly they\'re light fare, competently written and sometimes with an unexpected surprise that makes the reader laugh out loud. Of hers, my favorite is The Captain\'s Log; this one was masterful in its humor and the way it tied elements together very well in a small package. Would definitely like to see more tales like it.
-- SLWatson, 13:18 05th March

10 10. Stephen Ratliff

While certain parties (like me) have (somewhat more harshly than necessary) raked Stephen over the coals, his willingness to improve his writing is admirable. I\'m sincerely hoping to see such improvement continue so that someday, the RATMM stares in shock and goes, \"Was that Ratliff? That was amazing! Someone check IPs!\" Mechanically speaking, his writing is solid; personality-wise, he\'s a decent sport, even when he probably deserves not to be.
-- SLWatson, 13:26 05th March

1 1. Aya

Aya was a discovery for me this year. A long time reader of Trek fanfiction, I had never come across her stories before, and the one that I read here was amazing. It’s not possible to read her elegant, poignant prose and remain unaffected by its powerful imagery, even if she writes about characters, which are of little interest to a particular reader. At certain times, it’s poetry in prose, and if one is to remember that it’s written for a not exactly poetic sci-fi fandom, one cannot help but be amazed.
-- Anna Amuse, 06:06 08th March

9 9. SL Watson

SLWatson is a unique occurrence in Trek fanfiction. A freak of nature, if you will. Where everyone else toys with their favorite characters, expresses their love for them or gives them their so-called due, Steff goes into deep character study and exploration. With uncanny intuition of a true writer, she pursues questions that many of us wouldn’t ever ask in the first place, and comes up with most astonishing and most realistic answers. When reading her stories, it’s impossible not to gasp every other moment, ‘Gee, it’s so obvious, why haven’t I thought of this before?’ She claims to be an author of one character and there is no denying that her Scotty comes more profound, more real and more consistent than he does even in canon. Steff can fill in the awkward and sometimes frankly ugly gaps that the canon Trek writers had left for us like no other author I know. Logically and humanly. But it’s not only Scott who receives a whole new set of layers in her stories. It’s every character she comes in contact with. She can’t help it. When she writes, she can’t not give it her all. Yes, I know it’s a double negative. But it’s the truth, and her stories speak for themselves, louder than I ever could. It’s pure quality in every line. Her language must be a case study for anyone who wishes to familiarize themselves with the mastery of modern prose. Succinct, rhythmic, flowing, clear. She uses three words instead of thirty, and there can never be any doubt that each word is there for a reason. With her words, she can make her readers cry, laugh, get serious, get relaxed, sympathetic, angry. Just by a twist of a line, never mind the imagery. And there is no one in the fandom who takes their plots more seriously. As a keen student of human nature, Steff concentrates on character exploration in her stories, but that doesn’t change the fact that her plots are dramatic and intriguing. Her Mirror Arc is a perfect thriller set in motion, I had never known such things could be done with Mirror Universe before. She’s honest with her characters. She never forgives them their flaws, but she also finds redeeming qualities in each of them, even the darkest types. Virtues or vices, they always ring true and are uniquely suited for each character. And her original characters are just as real. SLWatson is Jane Austin of Trek fandom, if she can forgive me this frivolous comparison. When Ms. Austin was writing her stories, readers ached for mystic novels, ghosts, charms, ancient castles, etc. Ms. Austin wrote what was called ‘truth of life,’ which was considered boring. It took almost two centuries for her works to find their true appreciation. No matter how long a time it would take readers to find the treasury of SLWatson’s works, but whenever it happens, there is no doubt that the stories will still be there. And just as good.
-- Anna Amuse, 06:43 08th March

12 12. Teddog

I was surprised, to say the least, to know that Teddog was not a Trekkie. Her stories have a rare quality of ringing true both character-wise and canon-wise, and it’s all the more amazing. Not every huge fan of the series can sound as realistic as she does when she writes Trek. This is another fabulous example of how taking the plot seriously can produce genuinely outstanding results. Teddog’s prose punches you in the gut at the most unexpected moment, and while you’re sitting trying to remember how to inhale, she’ll pour a rain shower of cunningly strung together words over you, which would complete your unconditional surrender. She doesn’t take the easy road with her characters or story arcs. Ever. She’s blatantly honest as an author, despite her human sympathies and dislikes. She’s blessed with both deeply analytical mind and overwhelming compassion, which makes a win-win combination when used to create the works of prose. She loves her characters without flattering them, and paints them all truthfully, no matter the cost. She brought a fresh wind into the Trek terrain, and it’s hard to decipher at times whether this wind is sobering or intoxicating. Probably both. Either way, her stories must be required reading.
-- Anna Amuse, 06:59 08th March

4 4. Gumnut*

Gumnut has probably the most original style of writing I have ever encountered in Trek fandom. Sometimes, her works come almost as a puzzle, engaging the reader on levels, which are commonly unaffected. It’s impossible to stay passive or indifferent while reading Nutty’s stories. It’s a pity she didn’t post more.
-- Anna Amuse, 07:03 08th March

11 11. Ster Julie

Julianna’s stories are stories-parties. One can always expect a dazzling combination of humor, good will, love for characters, and love of life in her works. She knows how to create a festive mood, and there’s a certain undeniable air of eternal optimism emanating from her stories. Equally well, she plays in the field of the emotion of sadness when it’s called for. One might argue about her characterization, but the truth is, her stories never fail to invoke an emotional response from her readers, and that’s a rare and prized quality.
-- Anna Amuse, 07:10 08th March

5 5. Jungle Kitty

There are certain writers who have made a character their own in every sense of the word, and for Kirk that author is undeniably Jungle Kitty. She truly knows and understands him, his motivations, his drive, his speech patterns, everything about him. I also continually am impressed with JK’s ability to bring OC’s to life—Suzanne Brandt is as real as anyone in canon, and characters like Fig (unfortunately only relegated to a small cameo in this year’s story) are a joy. I am so happy that Jungle Kitty is continuing to write; my only wish is to see more stories in the coming year.
-- Rocky, 02:02 09th March

15 15. Ventura33

Every year we are blessed with a new Peeps story from Ventura33, each as hilarious as the last. While I miss seeing other TOS gems from this author, I’m glad we’ve still got the Peeps. (Even if Kirk may not agree).
-- Rocky, 02:03 09th March

11 11. Ster Julie

I enjoy seeing the glimpses of Spock’s early childhood and homelife that Ster Julie gives us, and one story this year, her simple yet deeply moving “I Am But Silence”, was a revelation. Here’s looking to see more stories in the future.
-- Rocky, 02:04 09th March

9 9. SL Watson

If we had a most prolific author award, Steph would win this one hands down. Kudos to her for her work with Scott, moving him out from the shadows of just the hard-drinking miracle-working engineering guy.
-- Rocky, 04:14 10th March

10 10. Stephen Ratliff

Stephen Ratliff Stephen has come a long way as a writer over the years and I am glad to see him continually seeking to expand his repertoire and develop his craft. The “First Time” series is an interesting (if somewhat uneven) experiment. I look forward to reading more stories, with whatever characters and events that Stephen is inspired to write, in the coming year.
-- Rocky, 04:15 10th March

4 4. Gumnut*

Gumnut has long been one of my favorite Trek authors, and I am waiting in anticipation the posting of the rest of her current story, which she posted on my KSFF group as well as here. I like what I\'ve learned of her grasp of the characters, particularly of Kirk and Spock. Keep writing, Gumnut!
-- Gamin Davis, 02:47 12th March

1 1. Aya

One of the great things about these awards is the opportunity to read stories that have been missed throughout the year. It was truly delightful to discover Aya through her TOS story \'For Stars.\' To take a scenario that is decidedly not plot-intensive and still craft a piece that is engaging not to mention some thought-provoking turns of phrase was quite the literary feat.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:52 12th March

3 3. Gamin Davis

Gamin has been around quite a while and there\'s never any doubt that she knows her TOS; there\'s also no doubt in reading any of her work that she loves the TOS characters. It\'s obvious in the way she writes them individually as well as the way in which they interact with one another.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:53 12th March

4 4. Gumnut*

Gumnut\'s sense of humor is a delight, from the wry to the laugh out loud, it\'s quite the enjoyable, entertaining read.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:54 12th March

5 5. Jungle Kitty

Jungle Kitty is just a wonderfully talented writer. Her characters and characterizations bring the story to life in so many ways. She crafts stories that draw the reader into her world and makes it all seem so real. A true pleasure to read.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:55 12th March

6 6. Kirok off L’Stok

Kirok\'s TOS story seems to reflect a mind that is always asking \'why\' and then finding (or making up) an answer. Writing is the perfect venue for that kind of mind and the results can be enjoyed by all.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:56 12th March

7 7. Rocky

Again this year, Rocky showed off her amazing versatility. Whether it\'s a humor piece or an extrapolation of series canon explored through original characters, Rocky does it better than great. Every character\'s individual personality comes through quite clearly and her original characters come across with dimension and individuality as well. A truly wonderful writer in every sense.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:57 12th March

8 8. Sarah James

Sarah has always shown an affinity for the Scotty character but this year she went even further. Her series of stories that go back and trace Scotty\'s early career, really highlighted aspects of his character, hints of which are seen in the series but get much more attention fueled by the rashness of his youth.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:58 12th March

9 9. SL Watson

SL Watson is a very prolific writer whose work seems to span the spectrum from short pieces of humor to longer, more dramatic works. Her writing can be almost poetic in its descriptions and the stories all reflect an insight or introspection of the characters that is thought-provoking.
-- Whoa Nellie, 17:59 12th March

10 10. Stephen Ratliff

Stephen\'s forays this year into non-typical content and writing style reflects a writer who is stretching himself, toying with his craft to add more. Regardless of the result, that attitude--being willing to try something outside your comfort zone and display it to the world--should always be applauded. It takes courage to try something new and his stories this year show depth and interesting perspectives on the characters that are very much worth continuing with.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:00 12th March

11 11. Ster Julie

The best aspect of Ster Julie\'s writing is her deft use of language. Her sense of humor is wonderful, but the way she sets up the stories whether it\'s humorous or serious, her descriptions as well as the dialogue really make her work stand out.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:01 12th March

12 12. Teddog

Teddog\'s work is very much a fresh perspective on the characters, true to Star Trek and the characteristics of the characters themselves, but with a different feel. The writing has an excellent quality and while the concepts of the story are universal, they\'ve been carefully woven into the Star Trek universe.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:02 12th March

13 13. The Mule

Just reading Mule\'s work, you get the image of someone who\'s maybe a little strange--but in the best way, someone who is just fun to be around. Mule\'s writing reflects a great sense of humor and the writing skills to make the humor part of the plot. Anybody who works a reference from Rocky and Bullwinkle into a Star Trek story is just awesome.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:02 12th March

14 14. Vanhunks

Vanhunks is someone typically associated with Voyager writing, but she showed this year that she can write just as beautifully in the TOS sphere. Her writing has almost a lyrical quality to it that is a joy to read.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:03 12th March

15 15. Ventura33

For all her skill at writing the more serious pieces, the Peeps stories are Ventura\'s legacy. She never seems to run out of ingenuous uses or scenarios for those little marshmallow candies and it would truly be sad to not have a Peep out of her to enjoy.
-- Whoa Nellie, 18:04 12th March

7 7. Rocky

-- SLWatson, 20:25 12th March

4 4. Gumnut*

Gumnut has long been one of my favorite Trek authors, and I am waiting in anticipation the posting of the rest of her current story, which she posted on my KSFF group as well as here. I like what I\'ve learned of her grasp of the characters, particularly of Kirk and Spock. Keep writing, Gumnut!
-- Gamin Davis, 22:17 13th March

9 9. SL Watson

SL Watson writes with great passion, grounding the pragmatism in her characters, with intense portraits built up from confident details. Rather than many standalone stories, many of her stories stand out as they inter-connect to build a greater history that is compelling and convincing, primarily around her favoured character Montgomery Scott, whom she has boldly transformed into an even more endearing human being, in my mind. I applaud the comeback of her words, in the year of 2008.
-- Alan Heah, 17:43 15th March

11 11. Ster Julie

Ster Julie continues as a stalwart author of short but rich stories, chiefly focused on her preferred character, Spock. I frequently find the insights contained in these pieces, apt kernels from the observation of sentient nature, through eyes not so alien after all. Do continue steadily!
-- Alan Heah, 17:46 15th March

10 10. Stephen Ratliff

I welcome Stephen Ratliff\'s dip into First Times, for this commenting year; it is my first time experiencing him handle such an area, with surprising tenderness which I did not expect. Perhaps this is only because it appeals to the naive boy in me, but even that aspect can be taught to love sci-fi fanfic.
-- Alan Heah, 17:49 15th March

8 8. Sarah James

...Dear unmai tamilar,Your iaifrmntoon regarding the award of the civilian awards is correct. This policy makers if they wish can arrange for a special award giving ceremony and can offer those award to the rajpakse\'s and sarth fonseka, since the real decision making power lies not in office of the president, it lies some where else. Do you want me to say 1.A house which has root in Italy2.Those who are wearing turbans3.The jokers ruling the states in India under the banner name congress party4.Those who wear Mupiri nool like this mallu Mk.Naryanan, Ram, Cho, and other higher cate Mallus like Siva sankara menon and north Indian paapan like aloke prasad.//உம அவர கள ,மக ந த சக தரர கள க க ம , சரத ப ன ச க வ க க ம ந ங கள வ ர த க ட க க ந ன த தத தம ழ மக கள அழ த த ழ ப ப ல அவர கள க ட ட க ன ற ஆர வத த ற க க..//Is it not a real comedy that a low profile actor Vivek and turban wear highly indiciplined harbajan has been awarded pdmashri which was earlier awarded to the great legends like Shivaji Ganesan. Can they be equated. It is an Indicator how the quality of the award has been liquidated now a days. I would appreciate the Late M.G.Ramachandran for returning the padmaaward forecasting all this nonsense.//ஒவ வ ர த ற ய ல ம அவரவர ப ண ய ல ச றந த வ ளங க பவர கள க க க ட க கப பட வத த ன பத ம வ ர த கள . அந த வக ய ல ச வ ஜ கண சன க க க க ட த ததற க க மற றவர கள க க க க ட க க மல வ டக க ட த .. இத பத ம வ ர த த ன .. நட கர த லகம என ற வ ர த அல ல.. நட கர த லகம வ ர த வ வ க க ற க க ட த த ல த ன ஆட ச பண த ர வ க கல ம ..//When this is the fact why cant the Rajapakse brothers should not be awarded befiiting bahrat rathna and padma awards and Hon\'Gen award to Indian Army to Lt.Gen.sarath Fonseka like offered to the General of raoyal Nepal Army for their systematice genocidal act agianst the Tamil. If those were given the Highest civilian award it would be reciprocal to the Lanka rathna award to the highest policy nmaker and notable intelligent like this Hindu Ram. Hindu ram can also be given any other befitting awrd for his pure personnal life. Epadi vaalntha tamil inam indru eppadi irrukirathu paartheera.//வர த தம கத த ன உள ளத . ஆன ல க ய ல க த அரச கள வ த த க க ண ட ந ங கள என ன ச ய வத ..? Uma From Thailand
-- Arisya, 23:48 29th May

The ASC Awards are a project of the ASC-VSO, led this year by Seema (Awards-Coordinator), aided by Sara (Assistant Coordinator) and Stephen (Awards Tech Support) They run every year from March to April for stories posted to ASC (alt.startrek.creative) between February 1 and January 31. A Tribble was harmed when we moved the voting booth. A little ... okay he's dead but there are plenty more around.