Forwarded by the ASC-VSO Posted: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 12:31:13 GMT In: alt.startrek.creative From: "Heather Smyth" Title: Vengance From The Past Author: Heather Smyth Series: TNG Part: 3/? Rating: R Code: P/C Disclaimer: Paramount owns all Startrek and I derive no financial gain from this story...just a little fun. Summary: See part one. Data relayed the message to his crewmates and went to check on his patients. Jean-Luc was sleeping but Beverly was conscious. "Doctor are you in pain? Squeeze my hand, once for yes, twice for no." She squeezed twice, then slowly lifted her hand to her face, gently feeling the gaping wound along her jaw. She looked at Data and frowned. He understood. "You have a broken jaw. A shard of metal has severed the bone and dislodged several teeth." She looked at him again, her hand travelling down her body. He nodded. "There are pieces of metal embedded all over your body. Your legs have been shattered and you have an injury to your neck. Generally, we can control all of your injuries, although there is a large piece of metal in your stomach. I suspect that there is significant internal damage." She cast her eyes sideways, trying to see the Captain. "Captain Picard has lost a lot of blood. Like you, he has been decimated by the shards, with large pieces in his shoulder and groin. His lung has been lacerated and he is expectorating blood. His legs are more damaged than yours; we have kept his boots on in an effort to preserve his feet. We have contacted the ship and they are endeavouring to send medical supplies. I will continue to administer antibiotics and analgesics. Are you warm enough Doctor?" She could feel the warmth of the blanket that had been placed on her and squeezed his hand once. She was desperately worried about Jean-Luc and frustrated that she couldn't do anything but lie there, helpless. She stared at Data, willing him to understand her request. "What is it Doctor?" She raised a shaky hand and pointed at the nearby computer. He fetched it and placed the keyboard under her fingers. Weakly she typed. MUST HYDRATE CAPTAIN. REPLACE LOST FLUID. "We have no re-hydration fluids here Doctor. I would expect the Enterprise would send some down with the other medical supplies." She next wrote, KEEP WARM. ELEVATE LEGS. "Understood Doctor." Softly calling to James, they gently raised the shattered appendages of both officers and added more blankets. When he next looked at Beverly, she was asleep. The two crewmen who had been exploring reported back with some interesting information. "Commander Data, we've been all over what's left of the building and, well, we don't quite understand these readings." Ensign Orrop gave Data his tricorder. Data scanned it intently and cocked his head. "These power readings are intermittent. Where were they strongest?" "Over near the top storey, about two floors up. We also found this Sir." Orrop handed his commanding officer a motion detector. "It was connected to an explosive device, no longer active. We found several of them, in fact this whole building has been hot wired." "Hot wired?" Ensign James came forward. "Booby trapped Sir. Whoever did it expected the station to be overrun. They intended to inflict maximum casualties." "Is there any indication as to who the aggressors were?" "No Sir." "I think it advisable to stay in this vicinity. Clear this area of any such devices, then collect more wood for the fire." "Aye Sir." Data retired to his perch near his patients and again checked the tricorder' s readings. There should be no energy at all. The building had been abandoned for many years, the machinery destroyed. Why would there be intermittent energy readings? Geordie's voice broke through the tense silence of the Bridge. "Commander Riker?" "Here Geordie." "I think we can have a go at sending down some pattern enhancers. We need to send down a jacketed power pulse. We aim the transporter to operate within the beam and, if we're lucky, the enhancers should make it down in one piece. I've aligned the main deflector dish and inputted the parameters. We' re as ready as we're going to get." "Standby Geordie, we'll get their coordinates. Ops send this.send coordinates for beam down." "Aye Sir." Data was re-applying the bandage to Jean-Luc's groin when his tricorder beeped. Finishing his task, he left his patient and watched as the message downloaded. He read the missive and immediately sent the required information. He chose a spot outside to make it easier for his friends on the Enterprise. As the others were dry and he was dressed only in his underwear, he decided to be the one to receive the enhancers. Venturing out into the torrential rain, he stood stiffly, patiently waiting. Ops were ready when the message came through. "Coordinates coming in Sir." "Are you getting them Geordie?" "Yes Sir, inputting them now." "Initiate when ready." "They're away." "When will we know?" "When Data contacts us." "Understood. Bridge out." In the pouring rain, Data detected the energy beam. Perceived as a shift in the atmosphere, he then heard the telltale whine of the transporter. Before his eyes, the enhancers took shape on the ground. Wasting no time, He collected them, set them out in a triangular pattern and activated them. He then re-entered the building and sent the following message. *Enhancers activated. Awaiting transport of medical supplies. * Will, on hearing the message, swung into action. "Selar are you ready?" "Yes Commander." "Good. Take the supplies to transporter room three and meet with Commander LaForge." "Aye Sir." "Ops, new message. Prepare to receive supplies." Data was ready when the message was received. He again ventured out into the rain and waited. Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long. Within the glow of the enhancer's lights, the parcel materialised. He strode to it immediately and took it inside. Opening it, he found re-hydrating fluids, pressure cuffs for the legs and arms, super absorbent dressings, more antibiotics, analgesics and blood clotting agents. With the help of two crewmen, he took the fluids and their collapsible stands to his patients. He treated Jean-Luc first. Taking one battered arm, he applied a pressure bandage to raise a vein, then inserted a cannula. He then set up the stand and regulated the flow. Satisfied, he moved to Beverly and repeated the process. She woke and tried to smile, the attempt appearing as a grimace. Data scanned them both with the tricorder and was examining the results when he felt Beverly's hand on his arm. Her eyes darted to her lover and Data set aside his instrument. "His body temperature has risen two point five degrees. We are now keeping up with his blood loss, but I fear he is in shock." She gestured for the computer, which he supplied. WAKE HIM UP. Data nodded and went to the Captain. He crouched down and, not knowing where he could safely touch him without causing pain, gently patted his cheek. "Captain Picard? Wake up Sir." Jean-Luc's eyes opened sluggishly. His attempt to speak was forestalled by a bout of coughing that had him moaning in agony as he brought up an amount of blood. Data collected some clean gauze and wiped his Captain's mouth. "Sir your blood pressure is dangerously low and your temperature is rising. Doctor Crusher thinks it best if you stay awake." He nodded wearily and looked at his best friend. She couldn't see him, but felt his gaze nonetheless. Motioning to Data, she typed, PLACE PRESSURE CUFFS ON LEGS. It took some gentle manoeuvring, but eventually the pneumatic plastic casts went on their legs. When inflated, they would help lessen bleeding and help keep the shattered bones in place. They left Jean-Luc's boots on within the casts, fearing what would happen if they removed them. Data was clearing away unwanted equipment when he noticed Jean-Luc was sweating. "Are you in pain Sir?" Jean-Luc nodded and squeezed his eyes shut as a wave of pain washed over him. Injecting the Captain with an analgesic, Data moved to the Doctor. "Doctor Crusher, the painkillers seem to be losing their effectiveness with the Captain. What should I do? She typed, LOWER THE DOSE AND GIVE MORE FREQUENTLY. WATCH BLOOD PRESSURE. He nodded his understanding and scanned the Captain again. He noted further blood pressure reduction and increased the flow of the intravenous fluids. He could hear the wet breathing of the Captain and knew he would cough again soon. Readying himself he was able to support Jean-Luc when the painful episode struck. Cleaning the mess away, he asked Beverly, "Should I offer the captain anything to drink?" To which she replied, NO. "And what about you Doctor?" NO. NOT WITH STOMACH WOUND. "I understand. Is there anything else?" NOT FOR NOW. WILL REST. Data nodded then set about putting the arms not connected to the intravenous fluids in a pressure cuff. He then composed a message for the Enterprise. *Treating patients as best we can. Storm projection? * The answer came in minutes. *Unknown. Will advise. * Data made sure his patients were comfortable and stationed two crewmembers to watch them. He then rose and began his search for the anomalous energy readings. After climbing up to the second storey, he noted the fluctuations in the tricorder's output. Following the directions of the instrument, he moved to the far corner and frowned as the readings again fluctuated. Increasing the output, he scanned a plie of machinery and froze when he heard a distinct, soft click. Approaching the almost solid mass of metal, he found and followed some wires that led to a pack of explosives. Connected to a timer, it had activated. Unable to decipher the images appearing on the screen, he left immediately and made his way back to his companions. As he approached them, he started issuing orders. "We must evacuate the building. Gather everything you can carry.Orrop, Parkes and James, help me carry the Captain and the Doctor.we must hurry!" He snatched up his computer and shoved it under his arm before bending to pick up one end of the tabletop the Captain was lying on. In short order, they exited the building and ran out into the rain. A wind had picked up and it whistled around them as they hastened to new cover. Behind them there was an enormous blast. Debris was hurled outwards with great force as the building disintegrated, showering the fleeing crewmembers with rubble. As the last of the falling detritus fell, they stopped, panting some seventy metres away. "Wow, that was close!" Data turned to Ensign James and smiled. "I agree with you. We must find shelter, where is the nearest habitable structure?" Parkes was first to answer. "Over there and to the left, about three hundred metres Sir." "Very well, Ensign Orrop, please gather the pattern enhancers." On Data's nod of acceptance, the group moved off into the gathering darkness, their way lit by intermittent lightning. Will's smile of gratitude was heartfelt as Deanna brought him his coffee. Sitting in the Ready Room, he stared balefully at the planet below, wishing he could do more than just wait. "Can you sense anything?" Deanna paused and closed her eyes, concentrating. After a few moments she frowned. "I'm not sure. Beverly's awake and worried.she seems confused somehow.Captain Picard is sleeping." "Hmm. I'll ask if everything's ok. Ops, new message. Concerned. Is everything alright?" Receiving the acquiescence of the Ops officer, Will again turned his attention to Deanna. "I've been speaking with Selar. She says the injuries could be very extensive." "I know Will. I just pray we can get them up here soon." "Commander, this is Ops. There's been no reply from the surface. I don't think they received it." "Does anything show on the sensors.any anomalies?" "No Sir, nothing." "Damn. Ok Ops, I'll be right out." Deanna sighed and stood. "Well so much for our rest." They both strode out onto the Bridge and couldn't help but look at the planet displayed on the viewscreen. Will shook his head and sighed expansively. "What the hell's going on?" With lowered heads against the pouring rain, the group forged through the downpour and soon found themselves at the crumbling walls of a one-storey building, half of which had no roof. Unable to find a door in the darkness, they climbed the tumbling brickwork and picked their way through the debris until they came to a relatively clear spot under cover. He gently placed the Captain on the floor and went to Beverly. She was awake. "We had to leave the other building. The tricorder activated an explosive device. The resulting explosion destroyed the structure. We are now in another building, some four hundred metres to the west. We will contact the Enterprise and have them send down more equipment." He set up his tricorder and made contact with the ship. *Had to move to new site. Will send coordinates. Need more equipment. Standby. * He then ordered the crewmembers to do an inventory to find out what they'd left behind. It took half an hour and at the end, they found they needed more blankets and food. There were other things, but they could wait. Data relayed the message as was satisfied when the answer came. He ventured out into the rain, set up the enhancers and waited. Beverly raised her hand to get attention. Parkes came to her side and positioned the computer for her. HOW IS CAPTAIN? "He's asleep Sir." CHECK HIM. Parkes went to Jean-Luc and scanned him with the tricorder. He took the instrument back to Beverly and held it while she read the information. HIS BLOOD PRESSURE.LOW. NEEDS MORE FLUIDS. INCREASE FLOW. Parkes moved to Jean-Luc and studied the intravenous apparatus. Seeing the flow regulator, he opened it slightly and was pleased to note the increased flow. He could hear a gurgling sound coming from the Captain and wondered what it meant. He moved back to Beverly and told her what he'd done. She nodded and was about to type more when Jean-Luc started to cough. His hand was clawing at his chest as he struggled to breathe. Blood ran from his nose and mouth as he desperately tried to expel the choking gore. Having observed his Commanding Officer do it, Parkes grabbed some gauze and helped the Captain clear his airways. When Jean-Luc was finally able to breathe again, he was grey and sweating. Beverly typed frantically. NEEDS OXYGEN! Parkes looked about but couldn't find the small cylinder. He ran out into the rain and found Data. Quickly explaining himself, Data hurried back inside and contacted the ship. * Need oxygen. Urgent.* Taking Parkes, the two officers went back outside just as the first transport took effect. They took the goods inside, then Parkes went back outside to wait for the oxygen. Data went to the Captain and scanned him. He was about to administer more painkiller, when Jean-Luc weakly squeezed his arm and shook his head. "Sir, you are in considerable pain. I need to give you this hypospray of analgesic." Jean-Luc shook his head again and Data had to bend close to his mouth to hear his whisper. "No. I want to stay awake." "But Sir." "No. That's an order." Data sat up, frowning. Beverly gestured to him and he went to her. WHAT'S WRONG? "The Captain is refusing analgesics. He has requested to stay awake." Beverly closed her eye, a tear slipping free. "Doctor what should I do? He made it an order." OBEY HIM. Parkes came in, dripping wet with two cylinders of oxygen and masks in his hands. He went straight to Jean-Luc and helped Data to connect, then fit a mask to Jean-Luc's face. As the oxygen flowed into his lungs, his colour improved slightly and he nodded his relief. Data noted that the groin wound was still bleeding, but the cuff had slowed it somewhat. He told Beverly. ADMINISTER CLOTTING AGENT. Data did as he was told and was pleased when the flow slowed even further. In the interim, the other crewmembers had set up the cots and changed the blankets on the two patients. They soon had a fire going and food could be smelt warming. Data contacted the Enterprise again. * Situation stable, but not for long. Captain failing. Storm projection? * He soon had his answer. * Unknown at this time. Will advise. * Throughout the long night, Data stayed at his Captain's side, helping when the coughing fits came and keeping him company as he refused to sleep. Beverly dozed fitfully, the analgesics keeping her pain free, but the worry over Jean-Luc dogging her dreams. When the weak light of dawn showed itself, Beverly prayed they would find an end to the storm. Will was stretched out on the sofa in the Ready Room. The door annunciator broke his fragile hold on sleep. "Come in." Geordie stepped over the threshold, a small smile on his dark face. "I've had an idea." Will stood and went to the replicator for some much needed coffee. "Ok, out with it." "If we rig a shuttle with a theta band generator that has the ability to overcome the ionisation, we may.just able to get down to the surface and back." "What are our chances?" "Well, I'll have to do some tinkering.and bend the laws of physics a little.but I think we can do it." "Make it so Geordie.quickly." Will strode out onto the Bridge and addressed the Ops officer. "New message. Attempting to rig a shuttle for rescue. Standby." -- Stephen Ratliff ASC Stories Only Forwarding In the Pattern Buffer at: http// Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. From ???@??? 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