Forwarded by the ASC-VSO Posted: 12 Feb 2004 16:31:16 -0800 In: alt.startrek.creative From: (whoa nellie) Title: The Goddess FaQtor Author: Whoa Nellie ( Series: TNG New 3/4 Rating: NC-17 Codes: P/Vash, Q Summary: During her adventures with Q, Vash tried to stay out of Author's note: Feel free to archive to any pertinent site. This occurs in the Reasons of the Heart timeline. As always: Paramount owns all the marbles. We just have a lot more fun playing with them. Feedback is always appreciated, posted or e-mail. Whoa Nellie's Picard/Vash Romance Fan Fiction Website is at: Whoa Nellie's Sci-Fi Romance Fan Fiction Website is at: The Goddess FaQtor "You'll find a god in every golden cloister And if you're lucky then the god's a she" --One Night in Bangkok Continued from part 2 After Picard dismissed them, the senior staff began to prepare to leave. Standing up and blocking Vash's path, the captain assured her in a quiet but firm tone, "Ma petite, I would count on you and I having a long conversation when I get home." "I'll be sure to wait up for you, darling," Vash replied sweetly, reaching up to cup his cheek with her palm. She stood up on tiptoe and leaned in for a brief kiss, relishing the passionate charge she felt from him as her lips brushed his. She stepped past him to make her way over to the door where Beverly and Deanna waited for her. Deanna chuckled as Vash approached them, "a goddess on the mountain top." Beverly started softly singing a little ditty that had been going through her head all during the meeting. "She's got it, yeah, baby, she's got it. I'm your Venus. I'm your fire, at your desire. Well, I'm your Venus. I'm your fire, at your desire." Not to be left out, Deanna joined in, "her weapons were her crystal eyes making every man a man . . ." Vash glanced back at Jean-Luc before playfully shoving her friends through the door chuckling, "I'm in deep enough shit without you two digging me in deeper." "So the significance of the situation has registered somewhere in that pretty little head," Picard muttered under his breath sitting back down in his chair and unfastening the tight collar of his dress jacket. With the observation lounge now empty except Will Riker and himself, the captain looked up at his first officer. "You have an observation, Number One." "Permission to speak candidly, sir." Riker sat down in the chair across from Picard. "Of course, Will." "You send this omnipotent Bonnie and Clyde duo out on an interdimensional tour of the universe with only one caveat, that he guarantee her safety and now you're surprised by this result?" The first officer's amusement was obvious in his voice. "And you're not surprised?" Picard inquired leaning back in his chair. "No. The only thing that surprises me is that the painting isn't a nude. I remember you once telling me that every once in a while you must bow to the absurd," Riker gestured to the painting. Starting to see the humor, Picard gave a small smile. "Is that your way of reminding me we all have our horga`hns to bear, Number One?" "Aye, sir." Riker stood up to leave. "Thank you, Will." "Good night, Captain." ....................................... Two hours later, Picard walked into his quarters to see Vash standing in the doorway of their bedroom. Her brunette hair gently cascaded to her shoulders, perfectly framing her lovely face. The full-length peignoir made of midnight blue velvet accentuated the color of her eyes. The robe hung open, displaying the negligee beneath and the full curves of her breasts threatening to spill over the plunging scoop neckline and thin spaghetti straps. The luxuriant velvet skimmed her feminine silhouette to fall into sweeping folds around her legs. She leisurely strolled toward him with her hands clasped behind her back and the negligee's full skirt swirling around her legs with each step. She pressed herself against him, her body perfectly molding to his at every point, from the soft roundness of her breasts against his chest to the intertwining of their legs. Rising up on tip toe, she brought her face within a hairsbreadth of his the lure of her lush lips tantalizingly close. "Waiting up as ordered, Captain," Vash whispered in a seductive purr, noticing the carnal heat reflected in Jean-Luc's steel-grey eyes. In spite of himself, he had obviously been driven to distraction by the painting of Vasharia. She knew that keeping him off balance was the only hope she had of winning this particular argument. She pressed her lips to his in an impassioned kiss. She felt his hands entangle in her hair, pulling her closer and crushing her mouth beneath his to deepen the kiss. A soft moan of triumph escaped her as his mouth took possession of hers, his tongue forcing its way inside to plunder and pillage the moist cavern. "Bridge to Captain Picard," Data's voice sounded through the room. 'Saved by the android's summons,' Picard thought sardonically as he pulled back breaking the kiss. Releasing his hold on Vash, he stepped back, his pulse pounding in a primal rhythm that was almost audible. The provocative painting of Vash had fired his imagination with incredibly erotic visions. Her eyes fluttered open locking with his while she wet her lips with just the very tip of her tongue. She was playing his emotions with the consummate skill of a virtuoso, in a few more moments, he would have forgotten the conversation he intended to have with her and nothing but sating his desire for her would have mattered. Which is exactly what the cunning little minx had intended. He took a deep breath to center himself before tapping his communicator. "Picard here. Go ahead, Commander." "Stellar cartography would like permission to make several, serious adjustments to one of the secondary sensor arrays for their scans of the Verath system," the second officer informed him. "Have them check with tactical and make sure the planned changes don't interfere with any of our defensive systems. As long as that criteria is met, permission granted," Picard's eyes never left Vash as he responded. "Aye, sir. Data out." The channel closed. Crossing his arms, he regarded her expectantly. "You were actually planning on using sex as leverage to give yourself a tactical advantage in this situation." "Why, Mon Capitaine, what would ever make you think I'm capable of such a thing?" she gushed, feigning a breathless naiveté. "I have little doubt that the woman in that painting is capable of that very thing," Picard replied tightly. It took considerable effort to keep his gaze from trailing down her feminine silhouette. With her hands behind her back, the creamy mounds of her breasts jutted out evocatively against the risqué lines of her peignoir. Vash raised an eyebrow and taunted lasciviously, "The woman in the painting is only capable of it because the heroic Captain Jean-Luc Picard wants to take her to bed for a hard and fast, wham-bam, merci madame, headboard whacking against the wall, fu --" "Engineering to Captain Picard," Geordi's voice cut her off mid-word. "Picard here, go ahead, Mr. LaForge." "Sorry to disturb you, sir. I've discovered some anomalous, fluctuating readings from one of the anyon emitters," the chief engineer informed him. "Is it a critical situation?" the captain inquired. "No, sir, I can easily configure the other emitters to compensate while bypassing the effected emitter. However, I would like to replace it at the next starbase." "Understood. Tomorrow morning have Commander Riker put that on the requisition list," Picard ordered. "Aye, sir," Geordi replied, "goodnight, Captain." "Goodnight, Geordi," Picard closed the channel. Returning his attention to Vash, he grumbled, "my feelings in this situation are irrelevant." Vash countered brazenly, "that's lame and no one bought it in the staff meeting; although, the expression on your face when Q popped in Sir Guy's skewered body would have been worth the price of admission alone." "Will you forget my duel with Sir Guy?" Picard stiffened visibly. "Never." Vash gave a vain toss of her hair, quickly deciding on another diversion. "Just like in Nottingham, it's your own reactions in this situation that have your pips in such a bunch. When you first saw the painting of me as the goddess Vasharia, you wanted me so badly that it obliterated the stoic sensibilities of the cool, collected Captain Picard." With a long suffering sigh of exasperation, he tugged on the bottom of his dress jacket. Her tactic was becoming all too clear, if at first you don't succeed with seduction try switching the argument. He decided the best thing to do was just take that arrow right out of her quiver. "My love and desire for you are irrefutable facts, Vash. You are an extraordinarily beautiful woman and it is an exquisite painting of you; however, my emotional reaction as your husband to the painting is not the issue. The issue at hand is the way you lied to the Verathans." "I didn't lie lie, I just insinuated very convincingly," Vash contended innocently. "That's your explanation for this?" Picard was becoming more frustrated by the minute. "As promised, Q took me places and showed me things no human had ever seen. We had fun. I brought back a few very impressive artifacts and more importantly gathered a vast amount of extremely important archaeological data." She faced him with unabashed defiance. From behind her back she produced a data PADD and held it out to him. "Here is the report on my two years in the Gamma Quadrant with Q that you ordered, Captain." "Thank you," he replied curtly, reaching out for the PADD. Before releasing her hold on the PADD, she added a stipulation, "After 30,000 years, I think the statute of limitations is up on Vasharia as well as everything else contained in here. Agreed?" "Agreed." Picard took the PADD, his voice a touch tighter than he meant it to be. "Tell me, ma chere, while the two of you were having all this fun, did Q make a habit of draping you in provocative gowns completely made of rare gems?" "Kibberian fire diamonds to be precise," Q taunted reappearing in a bright flash. "Jealousy is so unlike you, Jean-Luc." Refusing to dignify that with a response, Picard sat down behind his desk with the PADD that Vash had given him. "Go away, Q, show's over. Vash is obviously heading to bed and I have work to do." The entity raised an eyebrow, "She's heading to bed . . . alone?" "You're late, Q," Vash retorted blithely. "I've already tried luring him into bed, or onto the floor, or on top of his desk . . ." "Bon nuit, ma chere," Picard firmly interrupted Vash giving her a meaningful look. The last thing he wanted was to engage in some sort of verbal menage a trois with Vash and Q. Turning his attention to the entity, he reiterated, "I have a lot of work to do." Q shook his head. "Just as I thought, working too hard. That always leaves you in a foul mood." Picard muttered under his breath, "no, Q, dealing with you always leaves me in a foul mood." Q simply ignored what Picard has just said. "I left you unfairly earlier. You have a decision of immense importance to make and I'm not helping. Perhaps you need some firsthand experience to help you." "Q," Picard ground out as he stood up bracing his hands flat on the desktop and leaning menacingly toward the entity. "Time to worship your goddess, Mon Capitaine," Q mocked gleefully before all three vanished in another brilliant flash. ................................. The blinding flash faded and Picard found himself standing on a high bluff overlooking an ocean, the vivid blue waters crashing against the coastline with frothy whitecaps. Farther down the coastline on a lower bluff was an immense carnival just as Vash had described. The sea breeze carried the sounds of laughter and music along with the tantalizing smell of exotic foods and fruit wines. The captain turned around to see a large, long, rectangular building constructed from a highly-polished, cerulean-colored stone. Pillars intricately carved to appear as tall waves with whitecaps ran along one of the shorter sides with the entrance in the center. His first thought was 'a temple,' right on the heels of that thought was the realization 'Vasharia's temple.' Shaking his head, he muttered, "Mon Dieu." "Actually, ma deesse would be more precise," Q corrected from behind him. "Where is she, Q?" Q gestured toward the ancient temple. "Probably making herself at home." "Naturally." Picard strode resolutely toward the entrance of the temple. Inside the structure, small sculptures of white-capped waves carved from a phosphorescent white stone hung along the walls providing the illumination. One quarter of the way into the building, stairs encompassing the entire width of the chamber led up to the second level containing lavishly-set banquet tables with fruits, wines, breads and such. Another set of stairs lead to the third level which held a large throne made of a sparkling crystal-like quartz shaped to look like a spray of water. A lavish drapery behind the throne hid the rest of the level from view. Beautiful waterfalls cascaded down along the sides of both sets of stairs. Only three steps into the immense chamber, the captain was once again struck still. Appearing just as she had in the painting, Vash stood poised next to the crystal throne. The perfect curves of her feminine silhouette beckoned from beneath the sparkling filigree of her jeweled web-like gown. Sensual heat emanating from her vivid blue eyes combined with an enigmatic, come-hither expression on her lovely face to create an air of seductive mystique that left Picard breathless. Vash had been correct with her earlier assessment; from the moment he had first seen the painting, thoughts of making love to Vash, as Vasharia, claiming and possessing every inch of her for himself had taunted him. With her actually standing there the effect was devastating. "And to think you were worried I might bestow mythical powers on Vash. Under these circumstances, not only would it be unnecessary, it would be redundant. The woman has always wielded an insurmountable sway over you," Q noted with a self-satisfied smirk on his face watching Picard stare up at Vash. "I warned you years ago about this being your Achilles' heel." Forcing himself to tear his eyes away from his wife, Picard turned toward Q. "By bringing us here, you may have further disturbed the timeline." "Nice evasive maneuver," the entity replied amused. "I'm well aware of your incessant adherence to ethics. You can relax, all of this is only a re-creation for your benefit. As Vash pointed out, you are intrigued by Vasharia." "You were eavesdropping," Picard accused. "A vice of mine, I'll admit. I could probably break the habit in a millennium or two but since I'm omnipotent why should I bother," Q confessed sounding unabashed. Gesturing toward the festival outside, he added, "I'll just be on my way now taking the revelers with me leaving you to your goddess." Q glanced up at Vash, his eyes sweeping over her appreciatively. With a suggestive wink, he blew her a kiss before disappearing in his customary flash of bright light. "Cad," Picard grumbled under his breath fighting to rein in his irritation. Q's leering and suggestive behavior toward Vash were just more of the entity's tactics to provoke him. Or were they? By his own admission, Q found Vash intriguing. They had spent two years together in the Gamma Quadrant presumably with the entity in a human male form. 'Don't go there,' Picard thought to himself firmly. Turning his attention back to Vash, he tugged at his jacket and squared his shoulders bracing himself to engage the little vixen. ........... End Part 3 ............. -- Stephen Ratliff ASC Stories Only Forwarding In the Pattern Buffer at: http// Yahoo! Groups Links To visit your group on the web, go to: To unsubscribe from this group, send an email Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. From ???@??? 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