Trekiverse: All Crossovers
Visions Of Tuttle by Rob Morris
Series: DS9, MASH
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 7407 bytes Review
Vortex Files by Christine Francie
Series: MISC (Vortex), X-Files
Codes: xo
If you are unfamiliar with the VORTEX series on alt.startrek.creative, you might miss a few of the jokes. If you are not BOTH a Trekkie and an X-phile, you will miss most of the jokes. If you are neither a Trekkie OR an X-phile, you must be pretty bored to still be reading at this point, so you might as well go on.
Rating: [PG] for language Posted: Size: 38244 bytes Review
Voyager Meets The Simpsons: Homer-coming by Steve Sutton
Series: VOY, the Simpsons
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 34864 bytes Review
Voyager Meets The Simpsons: Homer-Coming II part 1 by Steve Sutton
Series: VOY
Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 2836 bytes Review
Voyeurs by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer
Codes: N/A
Just after Peter has told the kids the story of Ghidorah---and thereby scared the hell out of them. Now, the teenagers want revenge on the one who haunts and prevents their intimate moments. But sometimes, listening can be hard on the ears.
Rating: [R] so the kids can talk freely, and sexual content Posted: Size: 10392 bytes Review
Waiter, There's A Bug In My Soup by Pnmorris
Series: TOS, Twilight Zone
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 3452 bytes Review
The War At The Shore (Joltin' Joel Verlin vs. Ben 'The Emissary' by Joel Verlin
Series: DS9, WWF
Codes: S, Kasidy, Jake, K, Q, plus original characters, xo would wonder what might happen if the WWF joined up with DS9........this takes place in the 'Liberty Fleet Simulation Universe' while said author was punchy late at night and on either a caffine high or low...can't 'alter ego self and Sisko don't quite get along when we are forced to work on a mission together and the Starbase's Doctor seems to have just the right cure for releasing stress!
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 8848 bytes Review
The War Begins by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer
Codes: Peter Kirk
Peter's evil grandmother borrows a page from mythology as she tries to quietly destroy the infant.
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 4063 bytes Review
The Way Of All Flesh by Jadenlore
Series: TNG, Hellraiser
Codes: D, xo
Set during First Contact, Data finds out firsthand why those Borg look a little too much like Cenobites.
Rating: [R] Posted: Size: 19972 bytes Review
What Does This Do? by Rob Morris
Series: DS9, MASH
Codes: M'OB
One Day, He Will Face Down Khan Singh. Now, Hawkeye Pierce must face down a child's questions--all in all, he'd rather be dealing with Khan. Set during the Potters' Sunday Brunch at the finale of 'Visions Of The Things To Be'
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 6218 bytes Review
What If...The Star Wars Universe Met The Star Trek Universe? by Edwin Yau
Series: TNG, Star Wars
Codes: xo
While fleeing from Vader and a Death Star, the Millenium Falcon travels through a spatial rift and encounters the Enterprise-D.
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 109740 bytes Review
What Kind of Question Is That? by Darrel W. Beach
Series: DS9, Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Codes: xo
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 7698 bytes Review
What Now by ZorroRojo
Series: VOY, Highlander
Codes: C/P, Duncan/Methos, Q, xo
Q wreaks havoc with the two newest members of Voyager's crew. This is a C/P story, but most of the major characters get to play.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 141035 bytes Review
When Two Worlds Meet Part 1 by Rachel Hendricks
Series: TNG
Codes: xo
Takes place after Descent but before All Good Things..., and right after the end of Fox's movie 'Doctor Who'
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 8292 bytes Review
When Worlds Criss-Cross: Mixing 'Star Wars' and 'Star Trek' by Unknown
Series: DS9, Star Wars
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 9867 bytes Review
Where Are The Giants? by Rob Morris
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer au
Codes: Sa/Am, Peter Kirk/Saavik
The House Of Sarek is in pain. Can the Ambassador heal matters by making a stunning realization?
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 9303 bytes Review
Where Every Fury Knows Your Name by Rob Morris
Series: VOY, Cheers, A Remix of the Voyager Episode 'Fury'
Codes: N/A
Let's take the Voyager episode 'Fury' and give it to some familiar folks in Boston....A Remix.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4047 bytes Review
Where No Drabble... by K. Michael Wilcox
Series: TOS, Dr. Who
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 955 bytes Review
Where No Legend Has Gone Before by Christine Francis
Series: DS9, Xena
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 30838 bytes Review
While The Cats Are Away, The Mice Will Play... by Aeron Lanart
Series: VOY, Highlander, O'Niall Chronicles
Codes: P/K, PWP, xo
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 42256 bytes Review
Who Mourns For Hazzard? by Alexander Ring
Series: TOS, Dukes of Hazzard
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 12867 bytes Review
Who Would Be King by Paul Gadzikowski
Series: TNG, Dr. Who
Codes: Eighth Doctor, Picard, the Borg, xo
Picard enlists the Doctor's aid in investigating the Borg's sudden time-travel capability.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 50820 bytes Review
William's Revenge by William E. Donges, Shirley Moore and Vanessa Delvalle
Series: TOS, TNG, VOY, Dr. Who, Quantum Leap
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 42769 bytes Review
Winnie the Borg, The Final Conflict by Joe Schem
Series: TNG, Winnie the Pooh
Codes: xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 21787 bytes Review
Winnie the Pooh Assimilated by the Borg by Peter Malak
Series: TNG, Winnie the Pooh
Codes: Borg, xo
Rating: N/A Posted: Size: 14153 bytes Review