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Captain Mom by Jungle Kitty

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3777 -- Posted: 3/27/2000
Series: MISC -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [G]
Here's what it would be like if Jungle Kitty's mother were captain of the Enterprise.

Captain Of Two Worlds by Rob Morris

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 24179 -- Posted: 8/2/1999
Series: TNG, TOS, DC Comics, Remix -- Codes: xo
Rating: N/A
This story takes the classic DC Comics' story, 'Flash Of Two Worlds', and substitutes Jean-Luc Picard for Barry Allen and James T. Kirk for Jay Garrick

Captain Paranoia by Ian Taylor

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 8206 -- Posted: 3/25/1996
Series: TNG -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Captain Picard and the Twelve-Tentacled Serpent from K'Lonath by Dave Rogers

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1493 -- Posted: 2/21/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [G]
Another drabble.

Captain Picard and the Twelve-Tentacled Serpent From K'Lonath Lake by Robin Lawrie

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 6477 -- Posted: 2/20/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P, R, challenge, humor
Rating: [PG-13]

Captain Proton and the Green-Eyed Monster by PJ Squared (PJinNH and Phyllis J. Sutherland)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 45984 -- Posted: 9/12/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T, K/f, 7, Misc. Crew
Rating: [R]
Voyager is threatened by a green-eyed monster and even CaptainProton needs to be rescued: Note, if you don't have a sense of humour, stop reading now.

Captain Proton in the Dragon's Lair by Captain Jinx

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 23039 -- Posted: 2/2/1999
Series: VOY, B'Elanna's Secret -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [NC-17] for sexual situations and innuendo
After their daughter's birth, Tom and B'Elanna spend some quality time together in the Captain Proton scenario. Can Captain Proton escape the clutches of the evil Venoma?

Captain Proton Meets Doc Savage by Annette Welsh-Shinya

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 54886 -- Posted: 2/2/1999
Series: VOY, Captain Proton, Doc Savage -- Codes: P/T, K/7, J, C, EMH, N, xo
Rating: [PG]
Spoilers for Night and 30 Days. Captain Proton is called onto rescue the City from the Evil Chairman of the Board. He has help from a special guest, defeats Evil, and gets the girl.

Captain Proton's Adventure To The Mines Of Agreno by PJ in NH

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 64899 -- Posted: 1/6/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [R] for sex
Can Captain Proton and friends save the day when the crew is kidnapped by aliens? Takes place after one of the most fantastic episode to date: 30 Days.

Captain Proton's Blistered Buns by Judy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 17868 -- Posted: 2/27/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/K
Rating: [NC-17]
Captain Proton's rocket pack propels more than his flight through space. Although the Captain Proton scenarios play out in black and white, the characters are believed to be able to discern colors.

The Captain's Best Medicine by Melissa Zander

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 23995 -- Posted: 10/11/1998
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG-13]
A virus sweeps the ship and Picard has to assume the role of nurse for his ill Chief Medical Officer. Set sometime after 'First Contact'.

A Captain's Carol by Goliath

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 9250 -- Posted: 12/28/1996
Series: TNG -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A
'Twas the night before Christmas...

The Captain's Closet by Margaret Berger

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15957 -- Posted: 2/13/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/P
Rating: [R]

The Captain's Counselor by Dottie Ronhovde

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 40436 -- Posted: 2/6/1996
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG]
After a wormhole that could possibly provide a shortcut home collapses, Janeway, in an attempt to keep herself separated from those she commands, asks Chakotay to help raise the spirits of the crew.

The Captain's Counselor by Christopher L. Estep

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 8775 -- Posted: 3/9/1997
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/T
Rating: N/A
Deanna Troi demands that Captain Picard acknowledge his attraction to her, then asks him to act on it. Set between the TNG series finale and 'Generations'.

An Entry In The Captain's Diary by Liz Bond

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 68130 -- Posted: 4/6/1997
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: N/A
The events in 'The Commander's Journal' as seen from Janeway's point of view. More is learned about Janeway's first and -- up till now -- only true love.

Captains' Drinks by Roisin Fraser

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19215 -- Posted: 2/27/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: K&S, Pike
Rating: [PG]
Kirk and Pike converse over drinks, on the eve of the latter's promotion off the Enterprise.

A Captain's Duty by Jungle Kitty

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 16116 -- Posted: 3/6/1999
Series: TOS -- Codes: NR, Humor
Rating: [R]
A story of one of Starfleet's finest traditions. Wink wink nudge nudge. Say no more. This is the first in a series of three.

The Captain's Experiment by L J Broom

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 40613 -- Posted: 9/11/1999
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [NC-17]
The Captain misbehaves, but what happens when he gets caught?

A Captain's Gift by Jaeti

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 32203 -- Posted: 9/19/1995
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/K
Rating: [NC-17]
Harry Kim has yet to have his first sexual experience and wants it to be with someone he respects and cares for. Only the captain fits the bill. Will Kathryn Janeway agree to be Harry's first lover?

Captain Sisko and the Great DS9 Vampire Vole Hunt by Trekker

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3501 -- Posted: 7/16/1998
Series: DS9 -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

The Captain's Lady by Marissa Donegal

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19683 -- Posted: 8/17/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [NC-17]
Tom and B'Elanna try out the pirate ship program Tom designed. Based on Christie Golden's 'Marooned'.

The Captain's Little Helper by Jo and Jan Monroe

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 24355 -- Posted: 7/31/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P, T, J, D, K, 7, Naomi
Rating: [G]
Naomi fulfills her dream of becoming the Captain's assistant. Takes place before Deep

The Captain's Log by Judith Gran

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 27520 -- Posted: 8/17/1998
Series: TOS -- Codes: K/S
Rating: [NC-17]

Captain's Log by Sharon Nuttycombe

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7211 -- Posted: 2/25/1997
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG-13]
Sorry. That would be telling.

The Captain's Loss by Jaeti

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 54691 -- Posted: 11/18/1995
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: N/A
Tuvok approaches the Vulcan Pon Farr and makes the most logical choice available to him. Janeway must learn to deal with the loss.

The Captain's Nightmare by Jaeti

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 25368 -- Posted: 4/20/1996
Series: VOY -- Codes: J, Q
Rating: N/A
Q and Amanda-Q invade Captain Janeway's sleep with a Voyager-style 'Midsummer Night's Dream' scenario, with Janeway as Titania and the rest of the crew taking on other roles.

Captain's Perogative by KatieFloyd

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 48488 -- Posted: 7/16/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: J, mild J/C
Rating: [PG-13] for language and violence
When Voyager is captured by the brutal hostile Lethians, in order to save her ship and crew, Captain Janeway agrees to go with the Lethian leader. Chakotay must put Voyager back together and save the Captain before she dies at the hands of the Lethians.

The Captain's Prerogative by Helmboy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 13103 -- Posted: 11/14/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: C/P, challenge
Rating: [G]
A POV challenge for the CPSG and its third Anniversary.

A Captain's Pleasure by Jungle Kitty

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19525 -- Posted: 3/6/1999
Series: TOS -- Codes: NR
Rating: [R]
A second encounter with one of Starfleet's finest traditions. Wink wink nudge nudge. Say no more. This is the second in a series of three. Its predecessor is 'A Captain's Duty.'