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Pet's Day Out by Emily Gifford

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10221 -- Posted: 4/6/1996
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/Q, parody
Rating: [NC-17]
After seducing Captain Picard, Q takes him... shopping?

Peter Kirk And Saavik In The Ancient Destroyer Universe by Rob Morris

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 14379 -- Posted: 11/7/2000
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer au -- Codes: Peter Kirk/Saavik
Rating: [PG]
A 2-part Ancient Destroyer Timeline, as it relates to Peter Kirk and Saavik.

Peter Pan by Nancy Brown

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 14282 -- Posted: 2/9/1996
Series: MISC -- Codes: m/f
Rating: [NC-17]
He can handle the daytime, but a perfect memory is a drawback when it comes time to try to sleep...

Peter's Christmas by Rob Morris

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10084 -- Posted: 11/7/1999
Series: TOS, Ancient Destroyer -- Codes: xo
Rating: [PG]

Petty Revenge by Rob Morris

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1774 -- Posted: 3/1/2002
Series: DS9 -- Codes: S, humor
Rating: [G]
Sisko took certain actions to keep Worf and Dax's wedding ceremony on track. Now, he must pay for one of those. And he will pay...

Petty Theft by Reverend Jim

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19582 -- Posted: 2/1/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/T
Rating: [NC-17]

PEZ Dispenser by monkee

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15276 -- Posted: 3/13/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [G]
Janeway embarrasses the Doctor during his concert for the Qomar,but it's Chakotay's fault.

Pffffft by Christine

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3114 -- Posted: 10/16/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG-13]
Ah, the smell of success.

Phantasm by SaRa

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4519 -- Posted: 3/1/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG]
Paramount makes Kathryn wake up and smell the coffee in the final episode.

Philadelphia by Emily Salzfass (aka Sabine)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 89871 -- Posted: 1/15/1998
Series: DS9, VOY -- Codes: Kira/Janeway
Rating: [NC-17]

Philanthropy by Siubhan

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 43090 -- Posted: 5/30/1998
Series: TNG/VOY -- Codes: Ro, Paris
Rating: [PG-13] for language
Ro Laren meets Tom Paris and recruits him into the Maquis. But first, she has to do something about his drug problem.

Phoenix Rising by Jessica

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 83208 -- Posted: 9/11/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: K/T
Rating: [PG]
On a Voyager run by the children of the original crew, Harry Kim has settled into life as a Captain. His impressionable crew thinks his life is complete, but there is a deep sadness lurking inside...

Phoenix Squad: Suspicions by Maximilian Ataian

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 5895 -- Posted: 10/11/1995
Series: MISC -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A

Phoenix Tears by Claudia

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 9360 -- Posted: 11/12/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/P
Rating: [PG-13]

Phone Sex With Real People Like Me by Montgomery James

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1236 -- Posted: 2/21/2000
Series: MIS -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG-13]

The Photogenic Captain by Rebecca Anderson

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 41529 -- Posted: 7/24/1999
Series: TOS -- Codes: Harriman
Rating: N/A
Captain John Harriman of the Enterprise-B struggles with self-doubt in the wake of his ship's deadly encounter with the Nexus in Star Trek: Generations.

The Photonic Man by Charlene Vickers

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 29384 -- Posted: 5/21/1998
Series: VOY with a tiny bit of TNG -- Codes: EMH/f, a little J/Tu, crew
Rating: [PG]
Lou the holodoc is in danger of being destroyed by Starfleet Medical unless the woman he loves can smuggle him off the ship. Tuvok loses one wife and antagonises another all on the same day.

Physics by Bruce Greenwood

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1229 -- Posted: 2/27/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: K, 7, Borg children, humor
Rating: [G]
Jeez, Harry, don't you remember the basics?

The Piano by Lor

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3845 -- Posted: 8/23/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/?
Rating: [PG]
Janeway gets a visitor.

The Piano Man by Mindy PK

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4781 -- Posted: 5/21/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG]
A Janeway and crew sing-along at Sandrine's.

Picard In Hell by DebbieB

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4113 -- Posted: 11/12/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P, Lwx, humor
Rating: [G]
Jean-Luc Picard learns that, when your eternal soul is at stake, the punishment usually does fit the crime.

Picard in the Garden by Ascem Noone

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 31739 -- Posted: 12/12/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/m
Rating: [NC-17]
Wesley gives Picard a trip back in time to Jerusalem. Picard meets Jesus and they have sex.

Picard Insurrect (Answers) by Veronica Jane Williams

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4446 -- Posted: 1/7/2001
Series: TNG -- Codes: P, poem
Rating: N/A

The Picard Maneuver by The Bevster

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 14332 -- Posted: 8/2/1999
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG-13]

Picard Surprises by Cynthia Kehrer

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 40976 -- Posted: 2/27/2002
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG-13]

Picard's Bad Hair Day??? Whazza? by M.D.

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 5246 -- Posted: 1/6/1996
Series: TNG -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Picard's Favorite Line Variations by Steve the Post-Modern

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 244 -- Posted: 2/9/1992
Series: TNG -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Picard's Fish by Cavalaxis

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1310 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P, Drabble, Double Challenge Response
Rating: [G]
A response to the double viewpoint challenge (of sorts) and the 'Unused Trekfic Titles' challenge.

Picard's Illumination by Lorelei MacKenzie

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10668 -- Posted: 3/13/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/f, P/C
Rating: [PG-13]
A heartbreaking tale of love and sacrifice. Picard learns the true meaning of love, both with and without the doctor... and loss onboard the Enterprise.

Picard's Secret by AntiTrek, Calicia Tasha, shomizu

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 23557 -- Posted: 2/27/2000
Series: TOS, TNG/other -- Codes: Kirk, Picard, Q. Slight P/C.
Rating: [G]
A lot of strange things are happening to Picard, and Q's behind it. But what is his purpose?