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The Power of a Wish by T'Thrill

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15327 -- Posted: 5/8/2000
Series: TOS -- Codes: K/C
Rating: [NC-17]
It's the day after Jim's birthday and he knows exactly the wish he would like to see come true.

The Power Of Pink by Invicta

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19547 -- Posted: 4/5/2000
Series: DS9 -- Codes: G/B
Rating: [PG-13]

Power Play by Sasscat Bu-to-y

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15489 -- Posted: 8/23/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/ssc, h/c, bdsm, T/ssc implied
Rating: [R]
While en route back to the Talaxians to get help to rescue Voyager from the Kazon, Paris discovers some unsettling news about the shuttle Cochran...

Power Rangers vs. Worf & B'Elanna by Brian D. K. Hatch

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3659 -- Posted: 8/4/1995
Series: TNG, VOY, Power Rangers -- Codes: Worf, Torres, xo
Rating: N/A

Powerplay Parts 1-2 by bella22

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 49595 -- Posted: 2/26/2002
Series: TOS -- Codes: Sc/f (Mira Romaine)
Rating: [PG-13] for slightly erotic content & the 'F' word
Scotty is accused of having given away Star Fleet secrets. During the investigation a fake letter shows up and Scotty is courtmartialed. Then a mysterious Star Fleet general called Green Mamba offers Scotty the opportunity to prove his innocence...

The Powers That Be by Karen

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3471 -- Posted: 12/11/1998
Series: TOS -- Codes: All
Rating: [G]
The Enterprise is carrying a commodore to his new post on a starbase. He spends most of his time in his quarters, but occasionally patches in the bridge so he can listen for his name being mentioned or any other subjects that he's interested in. When he does come across a conversation he feels he needs to add his opinion to, he hightails it to the bridge, even though I'm sure there's quite a backlog of work he could be doing.

Practical Jokes by Christina Wilson

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10141 -- Posted: 10/15/1996
Series: VOY -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A
The Voyager crew is being victimized by an unknown practical joker. Is it Tom Paris or is he being set up?

Practical Meditation by Dr. Jekyl

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3100 -- Posted: 3/4/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: K, P, J
Rating: [PG]
Tom and Harry are up to their usual tricks.

Practicing Protocol by Jackie LeBoeuf

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 38778 -- Posted: 11/29/1996
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C, J/Tu
Rating: [PG]
When a Cardassian ship emerges from a temporal rift, Chakotay has to face one of his worst enemies.

Praetor's Shroud by Jbaumy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7722 -- Posted: 1/4/1997
Series: TNG -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A

The Prairie Syndrome by Rob Morris

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3691 -- Posted: 8/2/1999
Series: TOS, Little House on the Prairie, Remix -- Codes: xo
Rating: N/A
Just what planet did Jim Kirk 'Landon' this time?

Prankster by The EelMasters

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 116238 -- Posted: 2/13/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C, P/T, others
Rating: [NC-17]

Prankster by Bryan Ekers

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 142443 -- Posted: 3/17/1996
Series: TNG, Battles and Roses -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A
There's an intruder loose on the Enterprise, and the Captain is not pleased with the situation. Book One in the 'Battles and Roses' series.

Pray by Suz Voy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7810 -- Posted: 2/20/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG-13]
What if Janeway found out what Chakotay said?

Pre-One Word 11: The Secondary Reaction by Kat Hughes

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 17640 -- Posted: 11/2/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word Series -- Codes: K, P/7, K/7, K/T - but a Harry story.
Rating: [PG-13]
The One Word series takes 'The Disease' out for a little test run.

Pre-One Word 1: Designations by Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15483 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: P/7
Rating: [PG-13]
Set in an AU two weeks after Extreme Risk, with the assumption that Tom and B'Elanna broke off their relationship with not-so-good feelings on both sides.

Pre-One Word 2: Customs and Rituals by Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 40282 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: P/7, J, K
Rating: [PG-13]
AU fifth season post-Extreme Risk: Tom and Seven try out Seven's concept of a first date, after she has some interesting conversations with the crew. Second in the Pre-One Word series.

Pre-One Word 3: Something Else by Kat Hughes

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 37984 -- Posted: 4/9/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: K/T, P/7(implied)
Rating: [NC-17]
Harry and B'Elanna have a chat, on the holodeck. Sequel to 'Customs and Rituals.' Third in 'Pre-One Word' series

Pre-One Word 4: A Need of Comfort by Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 14817 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: P/7, implied K/T
Rating: [PG-13]
Seven attempts to understand human emotional vulnerability and learns something about herself as well. Fourth in the pre-One Word series.

Pre-One Word 5: Speculation by Kat Hughes

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 40782 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: P/7, EMH, crew
Rating: [PG]
The universe of Pre-One Word takes 'Once upon a time' out for a spin. Fifth in the POW series.

Pre-One Word 6: What Is Only in Memory by Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 14171 -- Posted: 3/12/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word series -- Codes: P, f, P/7 implied
Rating: [NC-17]
Set two days after 'Speculation': Tom has some time to think. Sixth in the POW series

Pre-One Word 7: The Sexual Education of a Borg Drone by Diane Bellomo, Kat Hughes and Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 57126 -- Posted: 4/22/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/7, K/7, P/7
Rating: [NC-17]
Seven is thinking about having sex with Tom and goes to talk about it, first with Janeway and then Harry

Pre-One Word 8: Reading Material by Kat Hughes

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 38704 -- Posted: 4/27/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word -- Codes: C, 7, J, Tu, P/7
Rating: [PG-13] - One 'sexual' reference
Seven's diary is found.

Pre-One Word 9: Progression by Jenn

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 19965 -- Posted: 4/27/2000
Series: VOY, Pre-One Word -- Codes: Sue Nicoletti, P/7
Rating: [PG-13], one bad word
When you change the pairing, you change history, or so I've been told. So B'Elanna wasn't on the holodeck that fateful day. The One Word universe takes Thirty Days for a ride. Here's the aftermath of what Tom said on the holodeck and Seven's reaction. Set roughly during the same timeframe as POW#8.

Preakness (Triple Crown Trilogy) by Stephen Ratliff

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15621 -- Posted: 11/7/1999
Series: TNG, Marrissa Stories, Triple Crown Trilogy -- Codes: Marrissa
Rating: [G]
In a side story to 'All the King's Horses' We have the 499th run for the Black-eyed Susans, the Preakness. Lady Stargazer races Warp Speed in the second race of the Triple Crown.

Precedent by Dave Rogers

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7091 -- Posted: 3/6/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P, J
Rating: [PG]
Missing scene from 'Thirty Days'. Was there more to Tom disobeying orders than met the eye?

Precious Gifts by Niamh Crilly

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 2536 -- Posted: 2/22/1999
Series: DS9 -- Codes: Poem
Rating: N/A

Precious Water by Istannor (aka Sydvick)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 27466 -- Posted: 11/5/1998
Series: TOS -- Codes: Content
Rating: [PG-13]
This story is set after the Rhino trilogy. Gary Mitchell has died. Spock has become the Enterprise's First Officer. Kirk and he have begun to circle each other like to great cats, trying to understand.

Predicament (originally titled Dilemma) by T'Rhys

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3202 -- Posted: 9/30/1997
Series: TOS -- Codes: K/S (implied)
Rating: [PG] silliness, no violence

Predictions for Season 5 of Voyager by melanie

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4880 -- Posted: 8/13/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: parody
Rating: [PG]