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Telling Rebeccah by Veronica Jane Williams

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 24704 -- Posted: 9/11/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/P
Rating: [G]
Rebeccah has to be told that a man called Chakotay is her real father.

The Tempering by Matthew C. Steenberg

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 53859 -- Posted: 2/7/1996
Series: DS9 -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG]
On the eve of a prophetic Bajoran doomsday known as the Tempering, a long-time friend of Garak's is chosen to lead a military operation which promises to reshape the Cardassian Empire. When Garak's loyalties are put to the test, Deep Space Nine and its crew, along with the Bajoran people, are caught in the middle of a power struggle aimed to befall the Federation.

The Tempering Parts 1-8 by Matthew C. Steenberg

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 167232 -- Posted: 3/11/1996
Series: DS9 -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A
On the eve of a prophetic Bajoran doomsday, an old friend of Garak's is chosen to lead a military operation that promises to reshape the Cardassian Empire, Garak's loyalties are tested and the DS9 crew is caught in the middle.

Tempest by Jay Riemer

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 56947 -- Posted: 1/23/1993
Series: TNG -- Codes: N/A
Rating: N/A
The Enterprise is badly damaged after encountering a Soliton type wave. After the impact, the hull is breached by spherical beings that absorb energy; making phasers useless.

Tempest Tossed (aka Comfort And Despair) by Kate D

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 192299 -- Posted: 8/6/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: C/P, J/C
Rating: [NC-17]
Sequel to Cold Comfort

Temporal Anomolies Rock by Cassie Zebell

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 43104 -- Posted: 10/21/1997
Series: VOY -- Codes: P
Rating: [PG] for mild language
Tom helps two time traveling teens adjust to life on Voyager, and they clue him in on what life was really like in the 20th century.

Temporality by D'Alaire

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 135682 -- Posted: 2/27/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: Naomi Wildman, P/T (P, T), Icheb, K, J, C. (A/U)
Rating: [PG-13]
A 'missing scenes' of sorts for 'Shattered': Knowing what they're about to do, 26 year-old Naomi Wildman sees pieces of her life on Voyager pass before her eyes.

A Temporary Departure by Brancher

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 9933 -- Posted: 7/24/1999
Series: TSU -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Temptation by A. Kite

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7400 -- Posted: 4/2/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: Paris/Kim
Rating: [NC-17]
Third in a series. Follows 'Interruption' and 'Harry's Turn.'

Temptation by E. Wallace

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 843 -- Posted: 3/1/2002
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [PG]
A meager drop of water in the parched P/C desert.

Temptation by Natasha

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 18659 -- Posted: 11/14/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: R/T
Rating: [R]
Takes place during ST: First Contact. What if, instead of being sent on Earth, Will and Deana have had to face the Borg Queen, especially if the Queen has been tempted to mate with Riker? If Will's love for Deana have been the last chance for Enterprise and Earth?

Temptation II by A. Kite

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7239 -- Posted: 4/2/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/K
Rating: [NC-17]
More Month of May madness. Fourth in a series.

Temptation Waits by Spirit (aka. Laura)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 12524 -- Posted: 4/16/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: C/P, P/T, J/C
Rating: [NC-17], m/m sex, ds
Tom shows who is really in control.

Tempted by A. Kite

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 20166 -- Posted: 4/16/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/K, K/m
Rating: [R]
A resolution to what started out as a little story of masturbation for the month of May challenge on ASCEM. Harry is tempted by someone else when Tom does his disappearing act once again.

Tempted Too Far by Mercutio

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3788 -- Posted: 1/17/1996
Series: TNG -- Codes: W/T
Rating: N/A
A violent and sexual interlude between Worf and Deanna.

Tempus Omnia Revelat by Suz Voy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 17786 -- Posted: 2/27/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J, C, Ducane, Braxton
Rating: [PG-13]
The kind of effects simple actions can have...

A Ten by Judy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15668 -- Posted: 1/25/1999
Series: VOY (parody-revenge) -- Codes: P, revenge challenge
Rating: [PG-13]
What if the Tom Paris creations of various fanfic writers visited the set of Voyager and spoke to a director in front of a mortified Robbie McNeill?

Ten by KC Quintana

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 94272 -- Posted: 4/7/1997
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: [R]
Beverly and Picard try to hide their feelings for each other. Troi attempts to act as mediator. Beverly has a disturbing encounter with Locutus on the holodeck.

Tender Is The Bite by Carol Thomas

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 21332 -- Posted: 2/27/1996
Series: VOY -- Codes: crew
Rating: [R] for implied sex and vampirism
An odd experience while passing through a nebula convinces Captain Janeway that vampirism is a wonderful idea. What fun she can have sharing this with the Voyager crew...

Tender Loving Care by PJinNH

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7696 -- Posted: 7/28/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [PG]
Takes place after the episode Faces. This little story describes what happened the first time Tom and B'Elanna were alone after they got back from the Vidiian planet.

Tender Loving Care by A. Magiluna Stormwriter

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 16098 -- Posted: 9/22/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/T
Rating: [NC-17]
A nightmare nearly threatens the fulfillment of a promise made to Kathryn by B'Elanna.

Tenderly by Lily

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 150989 -- Posted: 9/7/1997
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: N/A
Awaiting reassignment after 'First Contact' Picard and Crusher have time to explore their feelings for one another.

Tension by Julie Evans

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 21154 -- Posted: 11/14/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [PG-13]
A missing scene to the episode 'Repression.'

Tension on the Bridge by SpareTurtle

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1283 -- Posted: 2/21/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/Tu, C, Drabble
Rating: [G]
Continuing from Ashes in the Desert. Who's so tense?

Tensions by Jeffrey Harlan

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 18859 -- Posted: 4/21/2000
Series: MIS (Merrimac) -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG-13]
Hostile Gorn and Kzin vessels have been crossing into Federation space, and the arms race between the two powers is heating up at an alarming rate. While returning to Merrimac from Starbase 23, a shuttle carrying Capt. Phillips and Lt. T'Maril is forced to crash-land on an uninhabited planet by a Gorn battleship.

The Tentacle Chronicles Parts 1-2 by Moonbert

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 62803 -- Posted: 12/17/2000
Series: VOY, Sailor Moon -- Codes: xo
Rating: [NC-17] for rape

The Tenth Year by ChristineCGB

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 36052 -- Posted: 2/26/2002
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG-13] for allusions to sex
On the anniversary of Voyager's arrival in the Delta Quadrant the Captain and the First Officer share an ever changing ritual.

Terminus by Judith Gran

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 285961 -- Posted: 5/30/1998
Series: TOS -- Codes: K/S
Rating: [NC-17]
At the end of the five-year mission, Kirk and Spock find opposition within Starfleet to the idea of their serving together in starship command positions in the future. Nogura has his own plans for Kirk, and takes a dim view of Kirk's and Spock's relationship. But the lover's own different needs and desires are the greatest challenge of all.

Terms by Alyssa Powell

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 49111 -- Posted: 2/28/2000
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/C
Rating: PG-13
Sometimes the path to happiness is overgrown with thorns...

The Terms Of Our Agreement by Cameron Burnell

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 128766 -- Posted: 2/16/1999
Series: DS9 - adult -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [PG-13], some adult concepts and implied non-graphic sexual
In the mirror universe, would Kira be the one who suffers unrequited love?