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Who Would You Kill On Star Trek: Chekov by Ingrid Sluimer

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 2733 -- Posted: 6/22/1999
Series: TOS -- Codes: C
Rating: [PG]

Who's Gay? by T'Boy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 6509 -- Posted: 9/25/2002
Series: TOS -- Codes: [K/S], challenge
Rating: [PG]
Challenge. T'Len asked for a K/S story beginning with Dr. McCoy saying 'He's gay, Jim'. The person McCoy refers to must not be Spock.

Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses by atara

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15895 -- Posted: 12/26/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/7
Rating: [NC-17] for f/f sex, heavy bdsm
Janeway fantasizes about taming her resistant Borg crewmember.

Who's on First? by Ckoreulon Mensae

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 3794 -- Posted: 2/9/1992
Series: TOS -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A
Kirk and Spock enact the classic Abbott & Costello routine, with a bit of kibitzing by McCoy and Scotty.

Who's on Top? by Ruth Gifford

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 10421 -- Posted: 7/16/1998
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/f, challenge
Rating: [PG-13]
Who's on top when both Picard and Sara McNeil have had lousy weeks?

Who's Resisting? by Christopher L. Estep

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 15593 -- Posted: 4/6/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: K/7
Rating: [PG]
Seven of Nine decides to once again pursue the affections of Ensign Kim, who decides to stop resisting; all the while observed by another couple aboard Voyager.

Who's Teaching Who by Riss

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 9875 -- Posted: 7/1/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/7
Rating: [PG-13]

Who...Is...The...Father? by L.R. Bowen

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 8026 -- Posted: 12/18/1995
Series: VOY -- Codes: Kes
Rating: N/A
The real story of what happened when Kes -- and everybody else on Voyager -- went into heat. Humour. Incomplete

A Whole 'Nother Duck by Angie Tallahassee

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 2323 -- Posted: 7/24/1999
Series: TSU -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Whole Lotta Python Goin'On by D. L. Thurston

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 17136 -- Posted: 2/2/1999
Series: TNG, Monty Python -- Codes: parody, xo
Rating: [PG-13] for one bad word

Whoops by Beth P.

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7873 -- Posted: 3/7/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: Voy, C/P
Rating: [PG-13]

Whoops 2 - The Awakening by Beth P.

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 9183 -- Posted: 3/27/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: C/P
Rating: [PG-13]
Tom and Chak and the morning after. Sequel to 'Whoops.'

The Whore by McNamara

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 18956 -- Posted: 9/7/1994
Series: DS9 -- Codes: O, K
Rating: N/A
In the mirror universe, Kira and Odo are on the run. Odo needs money for food and medicine, but the only thing he has to offer is himself...

The Whore and the Captain by Lori Grenci

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 48792 -- Posted: 8/11/1995
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/f
Rating: [NC-17]
During an archeological dig, Picard is transported back to Rome, A.D. 31. He awakes in a brothel, where he meets a fascinating prostitute who thinks he's a wonderful specimen of manhood...

The Whoring Game by Lisa K.

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 120773 -- Posted: 2/1/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/K
Rating: [NC-17]
Set during the fourth season episode, The Killing Game, this shows the Hirogen compelling the crew members to participate in another form of predation.

Why Baths are Better than Showers. by SpareTurtle

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1272 -- Posted: 2/21/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J
Rating: [G]
Why does Janeway prefer baths?

Why Do They Only Flatter Me When They're Drunk? by Suz Voy

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4324 -- Posted: 3/4/2000
Series: VOY -- Codes: J, J/C
Rating: [PG-13]
Janeway moans. Personal experience? Nah. Bitter? Nah.

Why Don't You Get a Life? by Natasha Simonova

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1662 -- Posted: 2/21/2000
Series: MIS, filk -- Codes: filk, humor
Rating: N/A
The public frowns upon Trekkers.

Why Is Deanna A Crustacean? by Daniel B B Jones

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 36889 -- Posted: 7/18/1995
Series: TNG -- Codes: parody
Rating: N/A

Why Kirk Is Likely To Drive A Manta by compiled by T'Maia

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 1437 -- Posted: 2/27/2002
Series: TOS -- Codes: TOS, humor
Rating: [PG-13] for implications
The top 10 reasons why Kirk beat out Tom Paris and Will Riker as the Star Trek character most likely to drive an Opel Manta.

Why Miles O'Brien Had Much Explaining To Do by Gary Luxton

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4018 -- Posted: 9/8/1998
Series: DS9 -- Codes: G/B
Rating: [PG-13] for sexual innuendo
A rescue goes humorously awry . . .

Why Should I Cry For You? by CrazyHorse

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 5098 -- Posted: 1/5/1999
Series: TOS -- Codes: K
Rating: N/A
Another reaction to the loss of a dear friend.

Why Sophie Wouldn't Be A Good Teacher by BGM

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 5255 -- Posted: 7/24/1999
Series: TSU -- Codes: parody
Rating: [NC-17]

Why Spock Attends Scientific Conferences by Islaofhope

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 4133 -- Posted: 10/18/2002
Series: TOS -- Codes: K/S, challenge
Rating: [R], m/m sex
Spock returns to the Enterprise after a scientific conference. Kirk is glad to have him back. ABC challenge response.

Why? by NODA

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 98110 -- Posted: 12/26/1998
Series: VOY -- Codes: J/C
Rating: [PG-13]
Janeway and Chakotay are reunited after twenty-five years

The Wide Vessel of the Universe by Ruth Gifford and Varoneeka

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 82605 -- Posted: 3/7/1999
Series: TNG -- Codes: P/Q
Rating: [NC-17]
A rather mushy P/Q PWP that starts with a snowglobe and ends with . . . But that would be telling.

Wigged Out Part 1 by Timothy Hood (aka TrypWyr)

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 7356 -- Posted: 7/28/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [G]
Tom gives B'Elanna a gift.

Wild Nights by J.A. Chapman

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 5172 -- Posted: 2/1/1999
Series: DS9 -- Codes: N/A
Rating: [NC-17]
A companion piece to 'Q-mulous' by Cam Burnell and 'Tagged' by Robin Lawrie.

The Wild Ride by Ronda Sexton, TorresB, Jamelia, JanF, Donna, and pjs

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 137825 -- Posted: 11/7/1999
Series: VOY -- Codes: P/T
Rating: [NC-17]

Wild, Wild, West Style by Kim Riley

Enterprise... Q Continuum...
Size: 194646 -- Posted: 10/16/2002
Series: DS9, VOY -- Codes: Chakotay/Bashir/Paris
Rating: [R] for language and sex
Garak and O'Brien get caught up in an anomaly that sends them on a journey with a long way home. They discover more than they bargained for, and a few surprises along the way as they pass from one universe to another