Trekiverse: Spock Chapel Pairing
Happily Ever After by M. Seeger
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Based on the Cole Porter song 'I Loved Him, But He Didn't Love Me.'
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 17336 bytes Review
The Healing Power Of Plomik Soup by T'Lin
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Spock has just returned to the ship after the Koon-ut-Kal-if-fee... and discovered the Captain alive and well. He tells Kirk and McCoy that the Pon Farr is over, the battle apparently purged his system. All is well, and they continue on their mission.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 30162 bytes Review
Horses That Beggars Might Ride by Anastasia
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Christine Chapel saves a life and in return receives an extraordinary gift.
Rating: [NC-17] Posted: Size: 52979 bytes Review
Indiscreet Behaviors by Ronda Sexton
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 15111 bytes Review
It's Stuck by Ronda Sexton
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Response to a challenge on the SpockandChristine list to incorporate TV show titles in a story.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 2489 bytes Review
Joining by Djinn
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
It takes time for 'with someone' to mean 'together.' DISCLAIMERS: I'm just playing with the kidlets. No profit was made--or expected. Thanks to Rabble Rouser and Trekki for the beta!
Rating: R Posted: Size: 34600 bytes Review
Just For a Moment by Cait N.
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Near the end, Spock remembers.
Rating: R (Character Death) Posted: Size: 5421 bytes Review
Kolinahr: the Parting by Gamin Davis
Series: TOS
Codes: K&S&Mc, Sa, Am, some S/Ch; h/c, angst, general schmaltz
My end-of-mission story about how Spock and his friends dealtwith his decision about going back to Vulcan and attaining Kolinahr.(I refuse to believe he just *left* and didn't tell anybody.)Warning: story is rife with K&S touching and at least one major Spockbreakdown scene later on. If this bugs you severely you might want
Rating: G Posted: Size: 310530 bytes Review
A Last Embrace by Gamin Davis
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch, K&S, angst, h/c
Missing scenes from 'Amok Time': how Christine reacts to her discovery that Spock already has a wife as well as more private talks between Spock and Kirk as the latter tries to help Spock cope with the pon farr.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 72085 bytes Review
The Last Word by DebbieB
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch, challenge
Response to the 'Kill Christine' challenge.
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 3839 bytes Review
Lessons by Penny Jones
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [G] Posted: Size: 9406 bytes Review
Logical Pursuit by Trekskitten
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Spock was pursuing her in the most logical way he could,based upon what he knew of her preferences. Why wasn't it working?
Rating: PG-13 Posted: Size: 29152 bytes Review
Longings, Not My Reality by IDIC
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Cha
Recognition of obssession.
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 4004 bytes Review
Memories Born of Fire by Gamin Davis
Series: TOS
Codes: K&S, S/Ch, Mc, hurt/comfort, angst
Sequel to 'Amok Time' in which Spock's shame and fear after nearly killing Kirk force him to face the depth of his feelings, especially when Kirk's life is again threatened. Previously published in 'Something To Remember', nominated for a Fan-Q Award.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 122620 bytes Review
Message In A Bottle by DebbieB
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 82909 bytes Review
More Real than You Can Know by Trekskitten
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Cha
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4129 bytes Review
Negotiations by Djinn
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
First in a series. Set some time after ST:TMP. Spock encounters Christine Chapel during trade negotiations with an alien race and they both discover that they've each changed ... in some interesting ways.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 24027 bytes Review
New Discoveries by Kiristeen ke Alaya
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 101607 bytes Review
Play Ball by Ster Julie
Codes: S/Ch
Spock is going to watch Christine, I mean, a baseball game.Disclaimer: Don't own Star Trek. However it may own *me*...Archive wherever you like as long as you tell me where!
Rating: PG Posted: Size: 23436 bytes Review
Pon Nyt-So Farr by Lyrastar
Series: TOS, MU
Codes: MU, S/Ch, K/S, humor
Lyra's version of Spock/Chapel. Everything works backwardsin a mirror.
Rating: NC-17 Posted: Size: 7113 bytes Review
A Question of Faith by Stacy Smith
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [PG-13] Posted: Size: 16692 bytes Review
Reality of the Dream by Trekskitten
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Cha
This one had to be written--because I couldn't leave italone.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 4106 bytes Review
Realms Of The Forgotten by Kiristeen ke Alaya
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
Rating: [NC-17], bondage, dominance, submission, slavery Posted: Size: 169712 bytes Review
Redhanded by Kiristeen ke Alaya
Series: TOS
Codes: S/Ch
It's surprising just what being alone can accomplish and drive into the open.
Rating: [R] for sexual situations Posted: Size: 53534 bytes Review
Reflections 6: Reflections and Commitments by Sharron Powell
Series: TOS, Reflections Series
Codes: S/Ch
A direct sequel to Reflections and Beginnings set after the events in STVI, Christine and Spock continue to be called into service on the Klingon question while adjusting to the profound changes in their relationship and they reactions of their friends.
Rating: [PG] Posted: Size: 158433 bytes Review